domingo, 15 de mayo de 2016

I like to give as if there were a tomorrow

A balanced diet

Having a balanced diet means eating in such a way that our bodies are able to obtain all the nutrients they need for...

+ to carry out the most basic tasks, like breathing
+ maintain and renew our cellular tissue
+ to grow more cells
+ think, move, work, etc.

Previous lines, it might seem that all need the same things, but in real life there is no recipe "for all ages". We are all different and also our needs.

jueves, 12 de mayo de 2016

😈💋 Hagamos Travesuras 💋😈

I was studying at the College, was 16 years old, had a friend who, for reasons of life, tells me that his cousin had read your book of numbers and that the only saw my name and that I had liked, then he started sending me letters, write me messages until I get the day I met him, my friend and I had a job of sorts and went to his house and there he was helped us with the work, he draws and paints wonderful, when I was already told me that if we could get to know each other better, I accept and invited me, gave me a letter saying that he wanted to be my boyfriend, because the first thing I thought was that I was crazy, because recently we had like two days know us but I thought it was cute and accept it We had our first kiss which was very embarrassing, we hit our heads at the time of kiss on the first attempt, but in the second I was beautiful.

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016

Descubre mucho mas!! 👇👇 Q´ Espera?

We had been together more than four years and it was time to take a step in the relationship. So I decided to ask her to marry me. I've never thought that I should be the guy who asks it, nor that no one has to ask, sometimes arises between the two, well, I don't know, in my case it apeteció me because I wanted to do something special and it is.

We also wanted to marry in plan "Busca" wanted to do something simple, I knew that it was something that we liked both of them. So, I invited him a weekend to our favorite city under the guise of celebrating our anniversary. He had prepared a letter and a very cool gift to give when we were there, so while the shower is I left it on the bed and I I left the beach. In the letter he said that where it would be and that there I would expect your reply.

I was panicking this time. That beach means so much to us and wanted to live that moment there. Not too much while I waited, if it does appear, you imagine? I'm dying! Lol... Yes, it came, but also gave another surprise to me, because road bought my favorite flower and came with it in hand. You can imagine my excitement? I started to cry just see it!

And well, it was super exciting time, he too was after having read what you had written to him (knew that word I wasn't going to leave!). Anyway, that was what we wanted and was the most special way to achieve this.

The wedding? It was amazing. Our direct family, our friends and, above all, all the people that we wanted to have on the side. No rare commitments or "forced" only invitations came the people we wanted to come. And so went all out! Perfect! It was a fun and very special day, all we laugh, we touched and enjoyed. Now... for many years together!

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016

Busco amigos, soy de #Colombia, Snapchat: @Angeli***👇👇

Busco amigos, soy de #Colombia, Snapchat @Angelito012👇👇

Hi I decided to tell my story, although it's been time cent need to vent and that other people though do not know are my confidants.
I describe primarily, I am a girl of 23 years, brown skin dark brown long hair coming from the city of barranquilla - Colombia.

My story begins when one of my best friends I have the friend of her boyfriend, I saw him I didn't feel any attraction since I previously liked another person who did not have to do with my feelings, it made me suffer, but as the heart is very stubborn, always choose the wrong way, but even so di the opportunity to that guy who had presented to me get to know us and see what was happening at the beginning I was very dubious of having a relationship with him, but to spend the time I was finding a person you trust, with whom be apart kissed so delicious that it seemed that my mouth fits perfectly with it, felt that he was getting into heaven when we did.

But as everything is not perfect, I began to feel as I changed with me, already was not called, already pulled me thousands of excuses to see us, in the bottom of my heart I knew it, is something that all women have and it is this feeling that although we want we do not cover with lies, and unfortunately I was right.

One day doing a job of the University it gave me to once again review their Facebook profile, because w

e had distanced both so I had deleted his Facebook, but to go back I discovered a myriad of photos where he would kiss with a girl, and even post you a comment stating that he loved her, and by the date the pictures were not very recent photos , is still with me I was with her, felt like my heart became crumbs, I could not even watch other photos, made me a lump in the throat and trying to hide, turn off my laptop and I locked myself in my room trying to not cry and still got it that day boat not a tear, but I felt that I burned inside of rage and sadness Although he had decided not to claim him or accuse him of nothing, couldn't, had to ask him because he had done me that, because I had played with my feelings in this way if I had not done him wrong any, wanted to single, quietly but I wanted to, it may not be a very expressive person but I felt afraid to open up and to do me harm and as well as which happened and as if it wasn't enough when I decided to tackle it still struggling to not break my voice opposite him, confessed to me that she was pregnant and that it was never going to stop by my: (.)

Could it destroy me more? Already from me there was nothing left, I just trusted God so heal my heart and you could forgive those who took advantage of my naivety... I wonder if someday I will find someone who never hurt me.

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016

22 Años Soltera, Descubre mas 👇👇

After the mistake of my life, it all started when I was my ex boyfriend for that woman I gave it everything, fighting why always were good, there were occasions in what you I was unfaithful, not by what I wanted, I did that, but for what she will change, know what was not well, but I was always sincere and told him everything that I was going to do , passing the days, months and years, I found out what she encapricho with a schoolmate, my pain was so strong what I felt guilty, not to blame her, blame myself.

domingo, 1 de mayo de 2016

Las Flacas lo hacemos mas rico😈!

All happened when I decided to go travelling to my country, Ecuador. I was alone because my aunt bought me the ticket, I was 14 years old and I traveled from Spain to Ecuador, it excited me much because 6 years ago that I go and well stayed three months apart from holiday at the home of my grandparents.

There I had a great but what I liked most is to know a guy who lived in the same House that I was :-), and we were as neighbors.

viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

Hola amores... Mi Wpp: Aqui! 👇👇👇

In April the asked me out of my house, without permission and without notice, did only but always weight me more morals and I never did. I went to a party with my sister and in that party would be a colleague our work of which he was rather jealous, why never knew her since his fiancée now wife works with us also. That day the came at night and told me that I would be talking that at no time I burst into the cell. My sister suspect that the person who I marked was nothing more than him and made a scandal to me to tell me that he was an old man who saw an opportunity to someone younger and more naive and was knowingly exploit very well. I didn't want to doubt me loved at that moment but something inside me caused a noise, because my very dear sister told him.

lunes, 25 de abril de 2016


El metabolismo es el conjunto de procesos físicos y químicos y las reacciones que está sometido a una célula; estos son los que les permiten a sus actividades principales, como la reproducción, el crecimiento, el mantenimiento de sus estructuras y la respuesta a los estímulos que reciben.

El funcionamiento metabólico se debe a dos procesos diferentes pero que están acoplados y son dependientes entre sí. El catabolismo que se encarga de la liberación de energía, mientras que el otro proceso, el anabólico utilizar esta energía para recomponer enlaces químicos y construir otros componentes de las células, tales como proteínas y ácidos nucleicos.

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2016

Propiedades de la Sandía | Click y descubre como te ayudara.

La sandía es no sólo una deliciosa fruta para refrescarse y mantenerse hidratado durante un día caluroso pero también está lleno de nutrientes. Sandía contiene vitamina C, vitamina A, potasio y magnesio entre otros. También contiene licopeno y beta caroteno, dos sustancias que tienen el potencial de reducir el riesgo de cáncer. El contenido de licopeno, beta caroteno y otros antioxidantes aumenta a medida sandía madura, así que para obtener la mejor nutrición, es necesario comer sandía madura.

Para averiguar si la sandía está madura puede mirar en el peso. Una sandía madura es 90% de agua por lo que se sentirá más pesado que las sandías del mismo tamaño pero menos maduros. Otra señal es que tiene un círculo amarillo a continuación. Aquí es donde la sandía estaba en la tierra. Si la sandía no es muy maduro esta parte será de color blanco o verde. Otro truco es darle una palmada, si escucha madura hueco.

Beneficios de la piña: Descubre todas sus bondades aquí 👇 👇

Prestar atención a que esto le puede interesar, si usted quiere perder peso, como si lo que quiere es comer más saludable, piña puede ayudar a alcanzar su objetivo. Es rico en fibra, vitaminas y minerales, y consiste esencialmente en agua. Además, que conoce todas las maneras que hay para comer piña? ¡Sigue leyendo! Lo que usted descubrirá que te encantará.

Todos hemos oído un millón de veces la importancia de comer fruta todos los días, pero no siempre es tan fácil como parece. Si añadimos las voces que nos dicen que no es bueno para comer la fruta en la cena o después de las comidas por su alto contenido de azúcar, la tarea se complica aún más. Pero hoy en día, vamos a hablar (mucho bien) Piña y sus beneficios, también le enseñará cómo integrarlo en sus platos ... Mira, mira!

Las auténticas propiedades del Aloe vera

Desde hace siglos se han dado numerosos usos médicos y cosméticos a esta planta. ¿Cuál es la clave de su éxito? Y, sobre todo, ¿puede ser dañina?

  El Aloe vera está de moda, y sobre sus numerosas propiedades medicinales, cosméticas, nutricionales y hasta culinarias se ha escrito mucho. Hace más de 2.000 años, los sabios griegos ya lo consideraban la panacea universal. Y los antiguos egipcios se referían a él como la planta de la inmortalidad. Pero ¿por qué se la venera tanto? De hecho, ¿estamos completamente seguros de que su uso no tiene efectos perjudiciales?

Sigue esto pasos si Quieres marcar abdomen rápido

Tener el abdomen bien definido es una de las metas más anheladas por muchas personas hoy en día. Sin embargo, alcanzar este objetivo requiere de una dedicación constante y sacrificios insospechados, no solo a la hora de realizar ejercicios físicos extenuantes, sino también al llevar un dieta muy bien estructurada que cumpla con todos los nutrientes necesarios para la correcta transformación del cuerpo.

increible cómo bajar 10 kilos rápidamente | La 5 es efectiva

1. Modifica lo que comes a diarios.

  • Elimina las calorías no necesarias.
  • Si buscas bajar de peso, sobre todo de forma rápida, es necesario eliminar algunas calorías de tu dieta. Reducir las calorías es uno de los principales métodos para perder peso.
  • Si reduces 500 calorías al día, perderás 1/2 o 1 kg (1 o 2 libras) por semana. Perder peso a este ritmo te permitirá alcanzar tu objetivo en dos y medio a tres meses.

viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016

19 tips de WhatsApp que desconocías

WhatsApp es una de estas aplicaciones más famosas alrededor del mundo. Junto a los teléfonos inteligentes ha venido a cambiar la forma en la que nos comunicamos, y es usadas por todo tipo de gente. Pero pese a estar conectados día y noche, existen muchas funciones que desconocemos. A continuación, una lista con trucos y tips que te pueden hacer aún más fácil enviar ese mensaje importante.

1.Ocultar conversaciones sin borrarlas:

Sólo tienes que marcar la conversación y archivarla.

martes, 1 de marzo de 2016

Usa WhatsApp Web para espiar las conversaciones de otro usuario

Parece que los intentos de hackear el WhatsApp de otra persona no deja de ser una temática constante entre los interesados en el servicio de mensajería, el cual ya cuenta con más de 900 millones de suscriptores en todo el mundo.

Ahora una nueva forma de “espiar” a otro usuario es furor en Internet, mayormente por su ingenio al momento de ganar acceso a las conversaciones ajenas.

El atacante utiliza WhatsApp Web, la versión online de la popular plataforma, para poder sincronizar toda entrada que se produzca dentro de la aplicación. ¿Cómo funciona?

Hay dos métodos, los cuales son bastante similares, pero tienen algún que otro paso de diferencia. En ambos casos debemos tener acceso durante unos minutos al teléfono de la víctima.

lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016

Burbuja Flotante Para WhatsApp 2016


Hemos hablado muchas veces de lo importante que son las notificaciones en Android, incluso dejamos de consultar el correo mediante el navegador web, ya que Android nos notifica cada nuevo correo que recibimos. Pese a esto, mucha gente depende de WhatsApp en su trabajo, por esohemos buscado una forma de no perdernos ni un mensaje que nos llega, aún que estemos navegando con nuestro dispositivo o viendo una película.

domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016

Espiar Conversaciones De Facebook

Es mito o realidad que se puede espiar las conversaciones de Facebook?

Os presentamos un programa bastante nuevo para espiar el messenger de Facebook, actualmente se encuentra en una fase beta, pero funciona perfectamente.

 Con la siguiente herramienta podrás espiar las conversaciones de Facebook, sin que la persona que esta siendo espiada se entere.



Espiar conversaciones de whatsapp es la revolucion del momento,ha salido incluso en las noticias españolas, hackear whatsapp es posible con esta software.

Espiar conversaciones de Whatsapp se trata de un software creado para PC que con el tiempo se actualizo y llego a los dispositivos iPhone y Android (samsung, sony, tablets...) y a dia de hoy se trata de una aplicación de libre distribución y que ha sido eliminada del Play Store pero nuestra web cuenta con la famosa aplicación para espiar whatsapp.